30 July 2019
Interview with Max From Extinction Rebellion
Today on the show we are joined by Max from Extinction Rebellion, discussing the motivations behind Extinction Rebellion, and why workers and their organisations should get behind them, and take immediate action to fight climate change.
We also give updates on actions from the CFMMEU, MUA, MEAA, QTU, NUW, RTBU, and the ETU.
This week's scallywag of the week: Head of NIB Mark Fitzgibbon, for his call to have Australia adopt an American style medical insurance system and to scrap Medicare and make private health insurance compulsory.
Songs played
Redgum - Raggin
Warumpi Band - Secret War
Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not be Televised
The Chats - Identity Theft
Clearing House - Die Early
27 July 2019
IWW Meanjin/Brisbane - Marxism 101
Penny from IWW Brisbane put on a Marxism 101 class.
1]Introductions about Karl Marx. 0min - 2min
2]Here comes Hegel! 2min - 11.50min
3]Hegel on the French Revolution. 11.50min - 14.50min
4]Bring on Napoleon! 14.50min - 16.50min
5]Young Marx finds Hegel. 16.50min - 19.45min
6]Marx is a newspaper editor (and writes The Communist Manifesto). 19.45min - 21.50min
7]Here comes Engels! 21.50min - 23.20min
8]1848 Revolutions. 23.20min - ?
9]Humans are social workers, labour is creative. ? - 29.50min
10]Materialism creates society – Base & Superstructure. 29.50min - 31.10min
11]Why do we have classes? 31.10min - 35.50min
12]The emergence of the state and revolt. 35.50min - 37.30min
13]History is made of class struggle. 37.30min - 39.20min
14]Ruling class contradictions and Adani. 39.20min - 41min
15]The façade of democracy - The state exists as a result of ruling class power. 41min - 44.05min
16]Class conflict exists everywhere in society, it's normal and irreconcilable. 44.05min - 46.45min
17]There are more than two classes. 46.45min - 47.45min
18]Historical Materialism vs Hegel. 47.45min - 49.50min
19]Examples from the French Revolution. 49.50min - 53.05min
20]The English Civil War breaking away from Feudalism. 53.05min - 55min
21]Industrial Revolution. 55min - 56min
22]Profit is the unpaid wages of labour. 56min - 1hr 1min
23]Reinvest in The Machine. 1hr 1min - 1hr 6.40min
24]Examples of the Fall of Profit – Destroy the Machine. 1hr 6.40min - 1hr 8.10min
25]The Crisis of Over-Production or Market Saturation. 1hr 8.10min - 1hr 13.30min
26]Australian Economic Crash. 1hr 13.30min - 1hr 15.40min
27]The other sites of crisis and the alienation of labour. 1hr 15.40min - 1hr 18.15min
28]Need to expand my markets!! Capitalists have a structural inability to solve collective issues like climate change. 1hr 18.15min - 1hr 19.20min
29]Karl Marx is an arsehole. 1hr 19.20min - 1hr 22.15min
30]Class consciousness, mobility, and meritocracy. 1hr 22.15min - 1hr 27.30min
32]Socialisation of labour. 1hr 27.30min - 1hr 29.30min
33]Marx on how to make a revolution (or not). 1hr 29min - 1hr 37.20min
34]Open house debate, economic reductionism, Abraham Lincoln, ecology, artificial scarcity, and more! 1hr 37.20min - 2hr 10min
23 July 2019
ETU workers on strike at O.I. Glass
Today on the show, we are joined by
ETU member, Matt, one of many O.I. Glass's workers currently on strike
in response to management's attempts to cut away workplace conditions.
We also announce our new segment of the show - Scallywag of the week!
drawing light to dodgy bosses. This week's scallywag is Masterchef
judge, George Calombaris. George takes out the title after cheating
workers out of over $8 million dollars in unpaid wages
Songs played
The Medics - Griffin
Twisted Sister - We're not gonna take it
Doxa - Catharsis
Hexdebt - Covenant
The Fall - Industrial estate
16 July 2019
Organising Musicians
We hear from Paul from Musicians Australia and how they are organising.
We also chat about workers action from MUA, ETU, Brisbane Reclink Community Cup, Extinction Rebellion SEQ, School Strike 4 Climate, Australian Council of Social Service, MEAA plus more.
Songs played
Offa Rex - Blackleg Miner
Thelma Plum - Nick Cave
DZ Death Rays - Year of the Dog
Body Type - Stingray
Odlaw - Maida Vale
09 July 2019
RAFFWU and the crackdown on activists
This week on the show, Bill and Feargal are joined by Alexis Pink from Zed Digital show The Pineapple Rebellion (6-7pm Wednesday) to discuss Criminal Code (Trespass Offences) Amendment Bill 2019, which threatens to place severe penalties on people using their right to protest. And we interview Retail and Fast Food Workers Union national secretary Josh Cullinan.
Songs played
Billy Bragg - Between the wars
Nick Cave - Right now I'm a roaming
Friday Park - Stale biscuit
No fixed Address - Black man's rights
Waax - I am
Rideshare Drivers in Cooperation Queensland and Respect Inc
In this episode Feargal is away so we are joined by Christopher Bingham. Chris interviews Ahri Tallon, an organiser for Rideshare Drivers in Cooperation Queensland, to talk about the union and organising in platform capitalism.
We also interview Janelle from Respect Inc, a sex worker advocacy organisation, to talk about organising sex workers and the DecrimQLD movement fighting against laws that put workers lives at risk.
Songs played
These New South Wales - Nerve 2 Reverse
Thelma Plum - Better In Blak
Blondie - Call Me
Dune Rats - No Plans
Interpol - Fine Mess
Billy Bragg - There Is Power in a Union
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