27 December 2021

Organising in construction

This week we talked to Andy, organiser with the CFMEU, about the work he does in the construction industry to fight for workers' rights.

24 November 2021

A good day for a strike, comrades

This week it's win after win, spit hoods are banned in SA, SEQUR shut down Little Real Estate for the day, Country Road were cowed by the strike, Modi was cowed by the farmers' blockade, and that's not even all of them.

07 November 2021

The Proletarian Review

This week we talk to Duncan Hart from Socialist Alternative about his research into The Proletarian Review, a communist publication from the 1920s in Melbourne. In our second half Duncan stays on and Iswedd from Anarchist Communists Meanjin joins us to talk about an upcoming counter-protest to the anti-vax movement.

22 October 2021

Protecting our homes

This week we talk to Diane, who is a guardian of Djaki Kundu, about the battle of the Kabi People against the Department of Transport and Main Roads to prevent the destruction of their sacred site. In the second hour we talk to Sian from SEQUR, the South East Queenland Union of Renters, about the organisation and its fight for housing.

05 October 2021

The anti-vax movement, the unions, and fascism - an anarchist and historical analysis

This week we have two interviews, in our first hour we talk to Tommy from Geelong Anarchist Communists, and Iswedd from Anarchist Communists Meanjin, about the anti-vax protests in Naarm, especially their relation to the CFMEU and unions in general. In our second hour we talk to Jeff from the BLHA about the history of the fascist organisation the New Guard, and what we can learn from it about the fascist influence on the anti-vax protests today.

Outro song: You'll Always Lose In Melbourne by When Our Turn Comes

23 September 2021

Education going down the gilded toilet

This week we talked to Kate from the NTEU and NTEU Fightback about their campaign for better work conditions at QUT. This includes fighting against increased casualisation of employment, for better job security, and against the unpaid use of recordings of fired staff.

19 September 2021

Sex Worker Pride

This week we talk to Lulu and Niki from DecrimQLD about the work they do to decriminalise sex work and allow workers to use basic safety practices. It was also Sex Worker Pride Day on Tuesday so we talked about the destigmatisation of sex work and sex workers having pride in their work and the rights they have won. Earlier in the show we also listen to a recording from the CFMEU rally last week against the mismanagement of the Cross River Rail project.

12 September 2021

Getting Equal - The first successful fight for equal wages for First Nations people in Australia

This week we chat with Elisabeth and Tegan from the North Stradbroke Island Museum about the 'Outside Gang' of the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum and their fight for equal wages. In 1944, after a 25 year campaign, First Nations workers at the asylum gained equal wages, almost 20 years before anywhere else in Australia. Later in the show we are joined by Jeff from the Brisbane Labour History Association who brings us up to date on their activities.

10 August 2021

Dream, baby, dream of the future!

This week it is 4ZZZ's annual subscriber drive Radiothon, and we have the theme Dream, Baby, Dream! On our show we take the opportunity to share our dreams for the future and one submitted by a listener. As always we have plenty of news of workers taking action and news from a workers perspective, such as the new IPCC report, a victory for the stolen generations, multiple health workers strikes, and Bunnings workers taking action.

If you want to help us keep our dream of independent radio alive for another 45 years, or win some cool prizes during Radiothon, you can subscribe at https://4zzz.org.au/support.

Outro song: Manifest Destiny by Worker & Parasite

03 August 2021

destitution and disease

A lockdown show this week with workers fighting for support through the Sydney lockdown, the TWU winning in court, an uprising in Iran, and more.

song played: Manifest Destiny by Worker & Parasite

27 July 2021

Strike in Meanjin!

No guest this week but there are strikes abound. ETU, AMWU, CFMEU, and The Plumbers Union members at the Mater Hospital in South Brisbane are on strike to get paid the same as their counterparts in public hospitals, follow the campaign and get involved at the ETU website or their facebook page. We also talk about an update from the RAFFWU members striking at Better Read Than Dead, and strikes by the ETU again in WA, the AMWU in Tassie, and the TWU in NSW, as well as other news.

20 July 2021

Assholes in Council Attack Backbone

This week we talk to Kim about the council's attempt the demolish community art space Backbone, and the workers who are fighting back. We also talk about prisoners fighting back at home and overseas, and Hospo Voice taking "business union" to a whole new level.

Outro song: Propaganda by Rivermouth

14 July 2021

Making some noise

This week we have no guest but we have news of First Nations workers fighting Adani, the city council threatening to demolish a community space, postal workers making a huge win, and another look at the fight against the dictatorship in Myanmar.

06 July 2021

It won't be long before the workers take over this joint! - A history of working class literature

This week we talk to Allan Gardiner about the history of working class literature in so-called australia. We talk about Frank Hardy, Frank the poet, Bill Sutton, and about the the importance of our class's literature to the our class's struggles.

The BLHA is running a grant program to support people writing about working class history - the Stella Nord Bursary

Outro song: cover of Moreton Bay by Chloe & Jason Roweth

30 June 2021

our victories are beautiful moments in which we reclaim power over our own lives and celebrate another step towards the inevitable revolution

This week we talk about many victorious workers' struggles such as First Nations people getting their land back, the success of the General Mills Strike, the defense of the Willow Grove green ban against scabs, and more.

Outro song: Where's My Toilet Roll by The Disgruntled Taxpayers

23 June 2021

Our victories are co-opted and distorted into systems of control

This week we have plenty of news, such as the suppression of First Nations votes in the NT, police targetting gig workers for unsafe practices, the government taking even more money from people on jobseeker, and the breaching of the Willow Grove green ban.

Outro song: Bring Back the Green Bans by When Our Turn Comes

15 June 2021

We hold the whole system in our hands - First Nations and Childcare workers

This week we talk to Emma, who is a First Nations person and early childcare worker. We talk about the problems faced by First Nations workers and children in these organisations and what workers can do to combat them. We also talk about the problems in the industry in general, such as profit-chasing at the expense of the quality of care of children in their most formative years.

Outro song: Dancing Water - White Noise

08 June 2021

An injury to one is an injury to all

This week we have no guest but we have plenty of workers action, such as three ongoing union struggles, a union victory, and an update on the civil war in Myanmar.

Outro song: CRISIS by Worker & Parasite

01 June 2021

Radical Meanjin

This week we crossed live to the Disrupt Land Forces protest outside the convention centre and talked to Sam Watson and Andy Paine who were taking part. We also talk to Deborah Jordan from the Brisbane Labour History Association about her upcoming walking tour of the movement for women's suffrage in Meanjin. It is taking place on the 12th of June at 10am, starting at the Resilience sculpture on the south corner of Albert and Turbot St.

Outro song: Don't Kill People by Andy Paine

25 May 2021

The union makes us strong

This week we have no guest but we have plenty of workers actions, including a victory for bakers at tip top, doctors fighting for the right to sleep, even more dockworkers fighting for Palestine, and more.

19 May 2021

Disrupt Land Forces!

This week we talk to Margie Pestorius from the Disrupt Land Forces campaign which aims to shut down the upcoming Land Forces expo that is happening here in Meanjin on 1-3 June. We also talk about how the weapons industry functions as a part of society, which gives us a foothold from which to stop it.

Outro song: New Song by Benjii

11 May 2021

No war but class war

This week we have no guest but we have plenty of workers actions, including First Nations workers fighting back against QTMR and Adani, Hospital workers on strike against privatisation, a victory for West Papuans and the ensuing crackdown, and a discussion on the upcoming meeting to form a tenants union.

04 May 2021

The colourful history of May Day in Meanjin

This week we have Jeff Rickertt from the Brisbane Labour History Association on the show to talk about the history of May Day in Meanjin. We cover the origin of the event in the struggle for the Eight Hour Day, Meanjin's first Eight Hour Day commemoration, the international origins of May Day, May Day history as a story of the ALP versus the 'outsiders', and more.

Outro song: Pig City by The Parameters

May Day special!

As a very special episode and collaboration with Megaherzzz we are taking you to the May Day rally in Meanjin that happened today. We talk to the workers and find out what May Day means to them. Later on we have an interview with Katherine from No Cashless Debit Card and Jayden from APN. And then we go live to some speeches in Common House about the work that our comrades are doing to bring about liberation.

Outro song: cover of The Internationale by 刘欢 Liu Huan 袁娅维 Tia Ray 吉克隽逸 Jikejunyi 孙楠 Sun Nan

27 April 2021

Building power in the people - Anarchist Communists Meanjin

This week we talk to Nat from Anarchist Communists Meanjin about who ACM is, what they do, and their upcoming events (see previous post). We also talk about the need for a tenants union in Meanjin, and the first steps being taken to build one.

20 April 2021

Wins and losses

This week we have no guest, but we have plenty of news of workers struggles, including First Nations workers protecting their country, Kangaroo Point being shut down, the ETU shutting down a worksite, and fighting going on in the US. We also have an extensive events section.


Discussion Night: The Anarchist Critique of the State
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 6:30 PM at Common House hosted by Anarcho Communists Meanjin One of the most well known (and misunderstood) tenets of anarchism is it's rejection of the State. But what is the State and why do anarchists seek to dismantle it rather than using it?

International Workers Memorial Day
Wednesday 28th April 11am @ Emma Miller Place Acknowledging the 17000 frontline health workers that have died globally during Covid and all workers who has died at work.

Speak Out Against the JobActive System
Join Anti-Poverty Network Qld Friday 30th April 5pm @ King George Square. They are speaking out against the abuses doled out to welfare recipients by the JobActive system. All the JobActive agencies (Sarina Russo, Max Employment etc.) and the system they benefit from must be abolished if we are to live with dignity and autonomy. APN-Qld are tired of their cruelty and corruption and demand the immediate dismantling of the mutual obligations system including the cashless welfare card, and an investigation into the abuses of the job agencies and Indue.

Blocking a construction site: Rally against unsustainable development and gentrification
Community responses to gentrification and poorly-planned profit-driven development are evolving. Frustrated residents are sick of their letters and submissions being ignored, and are turning to higher-impact tactics. On Saturday, 1 May, we’ll be blocking driveway access to a highrise construction site on Hope Street in South Brisbane. We’re doing this not only to protest that specific development, but because the developer – Aria – has proposed another 30-storey highrise on a site zoned for 12 storeys, which will overshadow Musgrave Park.

Songs of Working Life fundraiser with Phil Monsour
Saturday May 1st at ETU Building, Peel St South Brisbane All Proceeds to Refugees abandoned on Bridging Visas. Featuring a special selection of Bruce Springsteen songs and Phil's own Union and solidarity songs. Free album download with each booking. For more details head to Phil Monsour’s FB page

May Day Rallys
Brisbane Monday 3rd of May 10am start Contact your union There are many other rallies across the State over that weekend. Contact your union. If you cant make the rally 4ZZZ will take you there. We are hopeful to bring you coverage from the Brisbane rally. More info on next weeks Workers Power.

Public Meeting: The Housing Crisis is Here - QLD Needs a Tenants Union!
Saturday, 15 May 2021 1pm at Common House organised by Anarcho Communists Meanjin We are holding this public meeting as the first step towards establishing a renters and housing union for Meanjin (Brisbane), so that we can come together to discuss the issues we are facing in this city as renters and begin the fight back. All are welcome and we encourage participation from the community as we discuss how we can build the power of tenants and communities for the struggles ahead!

Disrupt Land Forces
Land Forces ’21 will run from 1-3 June at the Brisbane Convention Centre in South Brisbane. There will be a couple of killing conferences alongside a massive killing expo. All the major weapons companies will be there, alongside Australian Defence Force representatives, plus Defence Ministers and trade delegations from over 70 nations. www.distruptlandforces.org for more info

13 April 2021

Songs of working life

This week we talk to musician and QTU member Phil Monsour about his upcoming Songs of Working Life gig that will be raising money to help the refugees who've been released from the prison. We also have the pleasure of announcing the formation of a new campaign to stop climate change, Blockade Australia.

06 April 2021

The social responsibility of labour - The pigiron dispute and the BLF green bans

This week have have Greg Mallory from the Brisbane Labour History Association to talk about two moments in history when unions have taken strike action for something other than wages and conditions. You can find out more about these events in Greg's book, Uncharted Waters: Social Responsibility in Australian Trade Unions, and you can find the paper about the green bans in Queensland here, along with a bunch of other interesting papers. We also have an update directly from the Newry Native Forest Blockade, about what they're doing to protect the environment.

31 March 2021

Fight back

This week we have no guest, but we have plenty of news of workers struggles, including First Nations workers protecting a sacred songline, Commonwealth Bank workers protecting their retirement, workers in NSW protecting a forest, and workers in Myanmar fighting for freedom.

24 March 2021

Your Woman

This week we are talking to Damien Johnson about his new music video for ‘Your Woman’ that released today. Damien created this project to confront transphobia, promote equality and fairness, and generally just flick the bird at oppression in all its forms.

16 March 2021


This week we talk to Steve "Pineapple" Alberts from CrewCare about the challenges faced by workers in the live entertainment industry, or roadies, as well as the work CrewCare does to support them. This includes the upcoming Roady4Roadies fundraiser concerts, which are taking place around the continent.

09 March 2021

Women Workers Power

To commemorate International Working Womens Day we have two special guests, Rank and File QNMU member Lynda, and CPSU Organiser Dani, in the studio to discuss what issues are affecting women, including the rape crisis in the Australian parliament as well as the desperate need for ratios in aged care.

06 March 2021

Suffragettes and suffering

This week we have two interviews, the first is a pre-recorded interview with Deborah from the Brisbane Labour History Association about the history of the suffragettes in Queensland. The second is with our regular Jayden and Calypso from Anti-Poverty Network, to talk about the IWWD rally.

23 February 2021

All is fair in love and war - DecrimQLD and the history of unions in the anti-war movement (as a separate subject)

This week we have two interviews, the first is with Lou Lou and Zoe from Respect Inc, to talk about the campaign for decriminalisation of sex work and the upcoming rally on International Sex Workers' Rights Day. Second we have Ross Gwyther on again from the Brisbane Labour History Association, to continue our discussion on the anti-war movement, and particularly the involvement of unions and strike action.

16 February 2021

The class war has already begun, and we're on the defensive

This week we have two interviews, the first is with Kathryn Wilkes from No Cashless Debit Card, to talk about the harm of the card as well as work she does with her organisation to stop it from being rolled out. The second is with Tom Brown, the assistant secretary of RTBU QLD, to talk about their rally last week against the treatment of casual workers by council.

10 February 2021

A win for us all

No guest this week, but we have an update from Smeaton Grange, a cop being charged for murder, and more.

02 February 2021

Jump through the windows - The 1936 Torres Strait Islanders maritime strike

This week we once again talk to Jeff Rickertt from the Brisbane Labour History Association. This time, to give recognition to the long history of Indigenous peoples' resistance to colonialism that continued in last week's Invasion Day march, Jeff gives us the history of the Torres Strait Islanders in 1936, who went on strike against the government that was holding them in slavery.

19 January 2021

Getting in trouble

We have a short interview this week with Tiana from the UQ Union Environment Collective about their campaign to prevent a coal conference from going ahead. We also talk a bit about the upcoming Invasion Day rallies and a bunch more.

12 January 2021

Trouble brewing in the Queen's Dungeons

No guest this week but we have news of prisoners fighting back around the world, and other stuff.

05 January 2021

A bayonet is a weapon with a worker at both ends - the history and present of peace activism in labour

This week on Workers Power we talk to Ross Gwyther from the Brisbane Labour History Association to talk about the peace movement and its history in WWI and even as far back as the Cimean war. Right at the end of the show we talk to Navdeep Singh about the ongoing struggle in India which involves the largest strike in history.