30 June 2021

our victories are beautiful moments in which we reclaim power over our own lives and celebrate another step towards the inevitable revolution

This week we talk about many victorious workers' struggles such as First Nations people getting their land back, the success of the General Mills Strike, the defense of the Willow Grove green ban against scabs, and more.

Outro song: Where's My Toilet Roll by The Disgruntled Taxpayers

23 June 2021

Our victories are co-opted and distorted into systems of control

This week we have plenty of news, such as the suppression of First Nations votes in the NT, police targetting gig workers for unsafe practices, the government taking even more money from people on jobseeker, and the breaching of the Willow Grove green ban.

Outro song: Bring Back the Green Bans by When Our Turn Comes

15 June 2021

We hold the whole system in our hands - First Nations and Childcare workers

This week we talk to Emma, who is a First Nations person and early childcare worker. We talk about the problems faced by First Nations workers and children in these organisations and what workers can do to combat them. We also talk about the problems in the industry in general, such as profit-chasing at the expense of the quality of care of children in their most formative years.

Outro song: Dancing Water - White Noise

08 June 2021

An injury to one is an injury to all

This week we have no guest but we have plenty of workers action, such as three ongoing union struggles, a union victory, and an update on the civil war in Myanmar.

Outro song: CRISIS by Worker & Parasite

01 June 2021

Radical Meanjin

This week we crossed live to the Disrupt Land Forces protest outside the convention centre and talked to Sam Watson and Andy Paine who were taking part. We also talk to Deborah Jordan from the Brisbane Labour History Association about her upcoming walking tour of the movement for women's suffrage in Meanjin. It is taking place on the 12th of June at 10am, starting at the Resilience sculpture on the south corner of Albert and Turbot St.

Outro song: Don't Kill People by Andy Paine