23 February 2021

All is fair in love and war - DecrimQLD and the history of unions in the anti-war movement (as a separate subject)

This week we have two interviews, the first is with Lou Lou and Zoe from Respect Inc, to talk about the campaign for decriminalisation of sex work and the upcoming rally on International Sex Workers' Rights Day. Second we have Ross Gwyther on again from the Brisbane Labour History Association, to continue our discussion on the anti-war movement, and particularly the involvement of unions and strike action.

16 February 2021

The class war has already begun, and we're on the defensive

This week we have two interviews, the first is with Kathryn Wilkes from No Cashless Debit Card, to talk about the harm of the card as well as work she does with her organisation to stop it from being rolled out. The second is with Tom Brown, the assistant secretary of RTBU QLD, to talk about their rally last week against the treatment of casual workers by council.

10 February 2021

A win for us all

No guest this week, but we have an update from Smeaton Grange, a cop being charged for murder, and more.

02 February 2021

Jump through the windows - The 1936 Torres Strait Islanders maritime strike

This week we once again talk to Jeff Rickertt from the Brisbane Labour History Association. This time, to give recognition to the long history of Indigenous peoples' resistance to colonialism that continued in last week's Invasion Day march, Jeff gives us the history of the Torres Strait Islanders in 1936, who went on strike against the government that was holding them in slavery.