30 December 2020
Scallywag of the Year
This week on Workers Power we celebrate the end of a very long and interesting year by going through the year's winners of our world famous scallywag of the week awards, ending with the announcement of the scallywag of the year, who was decided through a poll by you, our dear listeners.
Week 1 - McDonald’s Australia's corporate relations director James Rickards
Week 2 - Scomo
Week 3 - Smit Lamnalco
Week 4 - Campbell Newman
Week 5 - Domino’s
Week 6 - Rio Tinto and Sodexo
Week 7 - Jennifer Howard Ipswich MP
Week 8 - Scomo
Week 9 - NAB
Week 10 - Sydney pub tsar Justin Hemmes
Week 11 - Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter
Week 12 - Government Services Minister Stuart Robert
Week 13 - CHEP Director of Australian Operations Graham Wrigglesworth
Week 14 - McDonalds CEO Andrew Gregory
Week 15 - Coles Liquor
Week 16 - Kevin Jackson, the CEO of Sanitarium
Week 17 - GRLC CEO Patti Manolis
Week 18 - SDA
Week 19 - Australia Meat Industry Council Chief Executive Patrick Hutchinson
Week 20 - Anthony Albanese
Week 21 - Today Host Allison Langdon
Week 22 - The cop who killed George Floyd
Week 23 - Gordon Cairns Chairman of Woolies
Week 24 - Scomo
Week 25 - Sydney pub tsar Justin Hemmes
Week 26 - Tony and Viki Franzone who run an Adelaide Hotel Chain
Week 27 - Coles
Week 28 - Fair Worker Ombudsman Sandra Parker
Week 29 - owner of A1 trees, Lee Winwood
Week 30 - Alan Joyce
Week 31 - Peter Tompkins, CEO of Spotless
Week 32 - Golden Circle
Week 33 - Education Minister Dan Tehan
Week 34 - Mark Zuckerberg
Week 35 - Gladys Berejiklian
Week 36 - Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate
Week 37 - Adani
Week 38 - Senator Michaelia Cash
Week 39 - Annastacia Palaszczuk
Week 40 - INPEX President & CEO: Takayuki Ueda
Week 41 - Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate
Week 42 - Scomo
Week 43 - Senior Constable David Giddins
Week 44 - Serco Australia Chief Executive Officer Mark Irwin
Week 45 - Lactalis and its CEO Rob Walden
Week 46 - Mining Billionaire Andrew Forrest
Week 47 - Gerry Harvey, CEO of Harvey Norman
Week 48 - Gladys Berejiklian
Week 50 - Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter
Week 51 - Coles
22 December 2020
Coles Xmas Lockout
This week we chat with Debbie and Craig from United Workers Union about the Coles Smeaton Grange struggle. These are workers who have kept our shelves filled with essentials during the pandemic. Hear about their plight as they stand up and fight back. There is also plenty of workers action around the globe to report, Bill gives us another rant against the IR Omnibus Bill and of course the world famous scallwag of the week.
We are also coming up to our highly anticipated announcement of the scallywag of the year next week! We have chosen a shortlist of scummy bosses from the winners over this year who've either won more than once or done something particularly grubby. This year we are putting the power in your hands to make the decision. To have your say take a look at the previous post. And if you want to make an endorsement, or just complain about your boss, send us an email at workerspower4zzz@gmail.com
And, as a Christmas gift for us, Workers Power has sick new intro, a huge thanks to Chris Bingham from The Starvation Orchestra for creating it.
Who will be scallywag of the year? You decide.
Who should win scallywag of the year?
Created with Survey Maker
15 December 2020
Blood on their hands
This week we are joined by Jayden and Hayden from Anti-Poverty Network to talk about the recent announcement that the cashless welfare card is being extended for another two years, and about the actions being taken to stop the card and help each other in the face of it. Bill also goes on a rant about the recent omnibus laws that undermine the BOOT test.
01 December 2020
Beginners' mistakes: the roots of social democracy and the Labor party in Australia
On this week's history episode we are joined by Jeff Rickertt, president of the Brisbane Labour History Association. He is an active trade unionist, a librarian and a labour historian with research interests in the history of working-class movements and socialist politics in Queensland. We're going to be talking about the history of the formation of the Labor party, from strikes to armed conflict to utter defeat, and finally to its position as yet another servant of capital.
24 November 2020
Pedagogical collapse
This week we are joined by Michael McNally, Qld Secretary of NTEU, to talk about the consistent and expanding draining of funding to tertiary education, and the action being taken to fight it, such as the protest by Griffith staff last Friday, and the upcoming protest by UQ staff this Friday.
17 November 2020
The corporations are the government
No guest this week, but we'll be talking about a couple union wins, an upcoming NTEU rally, the Zapatistas, and more.
10 November 2020
Mums' Power
This week Hannah is joined in the studio by past guests Nadine Chemali and Delta Kay to talk about feminism, patriarchy, and what its like being a working mum. And we have young Jimmy Kay making his radio debut.
06 November 2020
Public Forum: How We Fight JobActive
This is the recording of the forum which we talked about two weeks ago in an interview with Jayden from Anti-Poverty Network QLD. The static at the start only lasts a couple minutes.
Event description: The crisis is here. Our ponzi scheme of an economy has been chugging along with the gap between rich and poor getting wider every year. Those of us at the bottom have been relying on a welfare payment that hasn’t been raised in 24 years, back when rent was an average of $160 per week. And since 1998 a cabal of parasites has profited from our misery and desperation. While one in five children go without breakfast, Max Employments’ revenue was 420 million last year. While 120,000 people are homeless, Sarina Russo added a $2.175 million dollar property to her already bloated portfolio. While we were left with $40 a day, before rent, bills and food, to live off, taxpayers paid JobActive providers 6 billion dollars to hassle us and cut our payments. Now, the crisis is here, millions more have been thrown into this system, with more sure to follow them after Christmas when JobKeeper is cut.
Everyone has a story of a job agency abuse. Every person who has been through this system knows they only exist to funnel government funds into private enterprise. Everyone knows they don’t actually help you gain employment, in fact, their assault on our dignity and mental health usually has the opposite effect.
Join Anti-Poverty Network QLD as we discuss this wretched JobActive system, and more importantly, as we launch the fight back against it.
04 November 2020
The history of class struggle
This week we are talking to Greg Mallory from the Brisbane Labour History Association about the work they do in the studying and analysis of the history of the labour movement in Australia and especially Meanjin/Brisbane. This is the start of an exciting partnership between Workers Power and the BLHA, we will be having a member of BLHA on the show on the first Tuesday of every month to talk about an aspect of Labour history, and most importantly how we can apply the lessons of this history to today's movements.
27 October 2020
all cops are bastards
This we week we are again talking to Jayden about anti-poverty network in order to promote their upcoming forum, which will be talking about strategies to fight job agencies. We also have the pleasure of premiering the latest party message from Worker & Parasite, Realpolitik. To support the Djab Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy, which is currently under attack by the Victorian Government, visit this page for info.
20 October 2020
Down with Queen Bajrasudhabimalalakshana
This week we do not have a guest, but we will be talking about the class action case in WA for Indigenous workers to be compensated for the slavery they were held in, a protest against Mark Latham's transphobic bill, the movement against the Prayut dictatorship in Thailand, and more.
13 October 2020
You dip your bread in our blood
Trigger warning: There is a description of injuries recieved as a result of rape at 31:55 to 32:40.
This week we talked to Nadine Chemali, who is a writer, academic, and community worker, about recent government actions that attempt to further cloister Australia from non-white refugees.
06 October 2020
Sex workers surviving the pandemic
This week we are again joined by Janelle from Respect Inc to talk about the work that Respect does, the struggles that sex workers have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the campaign for decriminalisation in QLD. To support sex workers in these times you can donate to this fundraiser, organised by Scarlet Alliance.<
29 September 2020
Grassroots action by uni staff
This week we talk to Dr Natalie Osborn from the National Higher Education Action Network about the problems in higher education, and how NHEAN will address them with unprotected industrial action. Natalie is also a producer for Radio Reversal, which is another brilliant show on 4ZZZ.
22 September 2020
Living Inside For Everyone
This week we've got Jayden on again, Jayden works with Anti-Poverty Network Queensland and is involved in the Living Incomes for Everyone campaign. We're going to talk about LIFE's new demand for secure housing, as well the LIFE national week of action and the action being organised by APN.
15 September 2020
The neoliberal zombie apocalypse, and our graveyard universities
This week we talk to professor of social work at QUT, and NTEU member, Christine Morley, about the effects of neoliberal capitalism on tertiary education.
08 September 2020
Racism, rubbish, and riots
This week we have an update from the committal hearing about the murder of Kumanjayi Walker, an upcoming action against the proposed incinerator in Ipswich, a success in the campaign for portable long service leave, a eulogy for David Graeber, and a bunch more.
01 September 2020
BLM and land rights
This week we talk to Delta Kay about how she and her mob won Indigenous Land Use Agreements in Arakwal country, and about the Black Lives Matter movement in the US and in Australia.
25 August 2020
The crime of poverty
This week we talk to Jeremy Poxon from the Australian Unemployed Workers Union, to talk about the punishment workers face when they do not have a job, and how the union fights against that. We also talked about the MOStrike, you can find more information about that here.
19 August 2020
Aged care: wage theft and maseratis
This week we talk to Lauren from the Health Services Union about organising in the aged care sector and a recent win which saw 9500 workers get their backpay, to support the HSU campaign for decent aged care you can go to their website. We also talked about the AUWU MOStrike, you can find more information about that here.
11 August 2020
This week we bring you news about blockades, we've got blockades in Uluru, Kangaroo point, Bolivia, and more. We've also got an update from last week's scallywag, and plenty more workers action.
This week 4ZZZ has put on Radiothon, our annual subscriber drive, so if you subscribe now, not only do you get that warm inner glow of supporting community radio (as well as discounts at our sub discount outlets), you can also go in the run to win some awesome prizes. Click here to learn more.
04 August 2020
Health and Safety Reps
This week we don't have a guest but Bill teaches us about Health and Safety Representatives, which is a topic that will be useful for all workers.
28 July 2020
Solidarity saves lives
This week we talk to Jorgen, the Queensland CEO of Mates in Construction, about their work in preventing suicide in the construction industry and elsewhere.
21 July 2020
the unemployed workers special
This week we talk to Jayden from Anti-Poverty Network, to talk about APN and their role in the LIFE campaign. And later in the show we talk to Col Davies from Fair Go For Pensioners, to talk about that campaign as well as the LIFE campaign.
16 July 2020
They're coming for the crates.
This week on Workers power Jaxom brings you an update directly from the front lines of the Kangaroo Point blockade, we share a story from Michael Williams about the Black Lives Matter movement, we give an update from the green ban in Parramatta, as always our scallywag of the week where we have yet another story showing that there is no law for the rich, and more.
07 July 2020
Getting irate at polluting big business
This week Bill talks to Jim Dodrill, president of Ipswich Residents Against Toxic Environments, about the work IRATE does in Ipswich and their campaign against a proposed incinerator in the area.
30 June 2020
Just one meal
This week we report on the blockade at Kangaroo point, the fee increase for humanities students, an update from the US uprising, and as always our scallywag of the week.
23 June 2020
Living Incomes For Everyone
This week we talk to Jayden from Anti-Poverty Network about the Living Incomes For Everyone campaign, a cross organisation campaign involving activist organisations, NGOs, and unions, to raise welfare payments to a minimum of $1100.
16 June 2020
Let them hug their kids.
We talk with Kirsty from United Workers Union about how the federal government plans to take the razor to the Child Education Sector. This effects predominately women workers; those that work there and those that rely on them to support their families. As well as affecting the children, when the workers don't have enough to take care of themselves, it makes it difficult to take care of others. It is simply a continuation of the government's contempt for women and children.
We also have interviews with Sam Woripa Watson and Fletch to take you to the frontlines of the struggle to free 120 refugee workers who have been detained indefinitely at a hotel at Kangaroo Point for eight months, this is in addition to the seven years they spent in the dark stains on the history of humanity that are the Manus and Nauru detention centres.
09 June 2020
You can't pay bills with exposure
On today's show Bill and Hannah chat with Carl from Musicians Australia about Musicians organising for fair paid work. They also discuss the Black Lives Matter rally and workers action from ETU, The Services Union, CFMEU, Unions NSW and workers standing up and fighting back around the world. Stick around to the end as Bill doesnt hold back on his rant about our Scallywag of the Week.
03 June 2020
Black Lives Matter
“The murder of George Floyd is a lit match to the fuel that has built up over decades” - Sam Watson of Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance spoke with Bill about the Black Lives Matter - Stop Black Deaths in Custody rally in King George Square this Saturday June 6th from 1pm, where over 10,000 people have responded to the event on Facebook for the Brisbane rally alone.
To protest safely make sure you bring plenty of hygiene gear such as a face mask and hand sanitiser, and stay 1.5m apart from those around you. If you are sick, stay home and support where you can online.
In our second half we spoke about retail and fast food workers around the world standing up and fighting back with action from; Retail and Fast Food Workers Union, Fight for $15 and Unite Union.
26 May 2020
50th Episode!
We've come a long way over the last year and today we reach our 50th episode! That's 50 episodes of bringing Meanjin news for the working class, by the working class, and we're looking forward to another 50. This week we've got a bunch of news from our retail and hospitality workers, and more.
Starting today we're going to be editing the music out of this version of the show, this will give our more time sensitive listeners something a bit easier to fit into their days, and it will be more fair to the musicians, who ought to be paid for their labour. However, do not fear music lovers, to listen to our full show you can head over to https://workerspower4zzz.blogspot.com/. This website also has an RSS feed so you can plug it into your favourite podcasting app.
19 May 2020
Rank and file fights back against NTEU
This week we are joined by Izzy and Fran, who are rank and file members of the National Tertiary Education Union, to talk about the NTEU Fightback campaign. This is a campaign to vote no to the NTEU's National Jobs Protection Framework, which threatens to cut the pay of workers by up to %15 under the guise of protecting jobs. You can follow the campaign and find out how to get involved at their facebook or twitter.
Songs played
REM - Cant get there from here 0:00:00
Steve Ludkin - Black History 0:15:23
Briggs - Extra Extra 0:20:23
Dianas - Going Gone 0:23:17
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:36:19
Cable Ties - Hope 0:49:52
Amyl and the Sniffers - Im not a loser 1:00:02
Sonic Youth - Youth against fascism 1:05:06
Idles - Television 1:12:05
Float Therapy - Gaffer Tape 1:28:45
Krave - Alchemy 1:33:49
Sycco - Nicotine 1:43:49
Dicklord - C U Next Tuesday 1:50:35
12 May 2020
Vale Jack Mundey
This week on Workers Power we celebrate the life of Jack Mundey, a unionist and communist who was a leading figure of the BLF's green bans. We also talk about a mine explosion that injured five workers, a plan to help the suffering arts industry, the battle against the fascist Turkish state, and more.
Songs played
Dicklord - Boring 0:00:00
Class War - Class Consciousness 0:03:23
Baker Boy - Move 0:13:22
Deekay - Gotta Get Out Of It 0:16:04
When Our Turn Comes - Bring Back The Green Bans 0:24:50
Phil Monsuer - Better Work Better Life 0:36:10
Coalfalls - Stephenson Street 0:48:07
Atlas - Apparations 0:53:25
Cable Ties - Tell them where to go 1:06:25
J-Milla - Unlock the System 1:14:19
Steve Ludkin - Black History 1:22:54
Violent Soho - Easy 1:33:18
Waax - FU 1:46:31
05 May 2020
Solidarity, now more than ever, is necessary for survival
This week on Workers Power we have some hopeful news for Indigenous prisoners in Victoria, an example of mutual aid from Sydney, and workers sticking together to fight bosses from Australia to Vegas. We've also got a scandalous scallywag of the week.
Songs played
Billy Bragg - There is power in a union 0:00:00
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:02:46
Baker Boy - Move 0:17:14
DeeKay - Time for some akshun 0:19:56
The Stress of Leisure - Interesting times 0:26:01
AB Original ft Thelma Plum - ICU 0:38:21
Good boy - Extended Heavy 0:54:18
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Blues X Man 1:01:09
Kim Salmon and The Surrealists - Non Stop Action Groove 1:04:43
Glitoris - Slut Power 1:13:57
The Broken Girls Club - Rum Song 1:18:56
RVG - Asteriod 1:32:15
Sycco - Nicotine 1:34:43
Violent Soho - Easy 1:42:27
The Disgruntled Taxpayers - Where's my Toilet Roll? 1:49:31
28 April 2020
Some more news
This week on Workers Power we have First Nations artists sharing their art online, the CPSU supporting casual workers who have been shafted, Monash students organising for their rights online, a strike at Amazon, and more. And as always we'll have the scallywag of the week.
Support Geelong Regional Library staff.
Songs played
When our turn comes - Bring back the green bans 0:00:00
Phil Monsour - We will go home 0:13:56
DeeKay - Gotta Get Out of It 0:22:31
Kev Carmody - Thou shalt not steal 0:26:35
Sycco - Nicotine 0:31:35
Dicklord - Boring 0:38:56
Coalfalls - Stephenson Street 0:42:18
Alex the Astronaut - I think you're great 0:54:54
Cable Ties - Tell them where to go 0:58:41
Flirt - Cheeky Velvet 1:11:04
Class Consciousness - Class War 1:14:02
Mitch, Please - Rubbish 1:22:10
Flangipanis - In the bin 1:25:54
The Broken Girls Club - Rum Song 1:31:27
Violent Soho - Pick it up again 1:34:41
The Disgruntled Taxpayers - Where's my toilet roll? 1:41:53
Voiid - Sour 1:47:11
21 April 2020
Ongoing governmental scallywaggery
More stories this week showing that the government spares no thought for the workers. Including the illegal detention of Aboriginal people, a thwarted attempt to privatise the visa system, and the cutting of the notice period required before a vote on EBA changes. We also have other stories such as worldwide prison revolts, and nurses winning their pay.
Songs played
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:00:00
Warumpi Band - Blackfella/Whitefella 0:10:09
DeeKay - Gotta Get Out Of It 0:14:35
Sycco - Nicotine 0:18:39
Coalfalls - Stephenson Street 0:29:03
Violent Soho - Easy 0:33:19
Being Jane Lane - Be Ok 0:40:40
Cable Ties - Tell them where to go 0:43:37
Eliza & the Delusionals - Just Exist 0:55:02
Velociraptor - Sleep with the fishes 0:58:56
Thelma Plum - Better in blak 1:06:48
Good boy - Extended Heavy 1:09:59
Mardi Lumsden - This is forever 1:23:49
The Stress of Leisure - Interesting Times 1:27:48
Voiid - Sour 1:36:30
Mitch, Please - Rubbish 1:40:12
Flangipanis - In the bin 1:43:55
The Disgruntled Taxpayers - Where is my toilet roll 1:49:40
Dicklord - C U Next Tuesday 1:52:12
14 April 2020
The government does not care. We, the people, must help each other!
This week we have a whole bunch of stories of the government screwing over workers in response to the pandemic. Including sending pigs into remote communities without them undergoing quarantine, leaving education workers without sufficient pay, and planning to sacrifice workers for the sake of economic growth.
Songs played
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:00:00
Baker Boy - Move 0:10:55
DeeKay - Time for sum akshun 0:13:37
Violent Soho - A-Ok 0:22:40
Cable ties - Tell them where to go 0:25:19
Phil Monsour - Better Work Better Life 0:33:05
Dicklord - Boring 0:41:58
Glitoris - Slut Power 0:45:21
Eliza & The Delusionals - Just Exist 0:59:30
Good Boy - Extended Heavy 1:03:25
The Cassingle - Brisbanes Burning 1:14:45
Mitch, Please - Rubbish 1:22:40
Roo - Cold Comfort 1:27:28
Thelma Plum (Ft David Le'aupepe) - Love and War 1:31:31
Voiid - Sour 1:40:23
The Disgruntled Taxpayers - Where's My Toilet Roll 1:44:06
08 April 2020
The workers will defeat this virus, while the rich hide in their private hospitals.
We continue from last week with even more stories showing that the working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organise as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth.
Songs played
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:00:00
Dee Kay - Im a G 0:9:21
Baker Boy - Move 0:13:36
The Disgruntled Taxpayers - Where's my toilet roll 0:19:49
Eliza & The Delusionals - Just Exist 0:27:35
Cable ties - Anger's not enough 0:36:56
Arse - NRVSNRG 0:42:42
The Meanies - 10% Weird 0:54:50
Minor Premiers - Hawaiian Holiday 0:56:22
Stella Donnelly - Beware of the Dogs 1:07:15
Use no hooks - Do the job 1:10:47
Thelma Plum - Better in Blak 1:16:43
Glitoris - Slut Power 1:23:40
Voiid - Sour 1:28:40
The Mark of Cain - Lockdown 1:36:00
Dicklord - C U Next Tuesday 1:43:04
31 March 2020
Class conflict exposed by the pandemic
No interview this week, but we have plenty of news stories showing how COVID-19 has exposed the inherent contradiction between the interests of the workers and the interests of the owners. Such as Macca's leaving their workers in the dark about a positive COVID case, and prisoners fighting back against being left to die at the hands of the virus.
Songs played
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:00:00
Budd - Handle it 0:02:29
Dee Kay - I'm a g 0:13:25
Kev Carmody - Thou shall not steal 0:17:39
Cable ties - Anger's not enough 0:29:28
Good boy - Extended heavy 0:43:39
Rage against the machine - Settle for nothing 0:46:23
Faith no more - Evidence 0:50:24
Regurgitator - Eye, Zombie 1:03:16
Tumbleweed - A darkness at never never 1:06:26
Cable ties - Tell them where to go 1:18:16
The double happiness - Wild Bikini 1:21:47
The Hard Ons - Midnight 1:24:48
Voiid - Sour 1:37:08
Glitoris - Slut Power 1:40:21
Magic Dirt - Ice 1:45:42
Cog - Real life 1:51:36
Mutual Aid and QCU's Michael Clifford
On this episode of Workers Power we were joined by Michael Clifford, General Secretary of the QCU, to discuss their response to the COVID-19 crisis, as well as how they're dealing with the government's response (starting at 50m48s). We were also joined by Hannah to discuss the mutual aid groups popping up around Australia and the world (starting at 1h20m38s).
Songs played
When our turn comes - Bring back the green bans 0:00:00
Archie Roach ft Sally Dastery - Tell me why 0:14:13
Thelma Plum - Better in Blak 0:17:22
Paul Kelly - Sleep Australia Sleep 0:24:19
Midnight Oil - No time for games 0:32:17
Phil Monsour - Still need a union 0:36:49
TISM - I drive a truck 0:40:47
The Saints - I'm Stranded 0:42:55
Alex the Astronaut - I think you're great 0:47:01
Hugo Stranger & The Rattlers - Hold on 1:11:41
Cable ties - Hope 1:13:58
Class war - Class Consciousness 1:33:12
Magic dirt - Ice 1:35:09
Glitoris - Slut Power 1:47:55
Chakra Efendi - Morphine 1:52:55
18 March 2020
Anti-Viral Action
No interview this week, but we have plenty of news from workers who are standing up and fighting back in the face of our current pandemic, including recent developments at Deebing Creek, communities coming together in mutual aid, and a potential rent strike.
Songs played
The Mark of Cain - Lockdown 0:00:00
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:04:01
DeeKay - Descendants of the curse 0:12:15
J-Milla - Unlock the system 0:19:17
Class War - Class Consciousness 0:28:44
Cable ties - Self-Made man 0:34:36
Mitch, please - Rubbish 0:43:35
Rage against the machine - Take the power back 0:55:58
Flangipanis - In the bin 1:11:50
Glitoris - Slut Power 1:12:27
Midnight Oil - Cold Cold Change 1:24:14
Good boy - Extended Heavy 1:27:43
Steve Ludkin - Photo Op Pollies 1:36:36
The Strokes - Is this it? 1:46:00
Dicklord - C U Next Tuesday 1:48:26
10 March 2020
When Our Turn Comes EP launch
This week we tried but failed to interview Kane from When Our Turn Comes, a Melbourne 5-piece band that explores issues like systemic racism, tackling neo-nazi groups, everyday economic struggles, union politics, and the climate crisis. But don't worry, we still have an exciting show full of workers fighting back from Australia to Latin America.
Songs played
When our turn comes - Bring Back the Green Bans 0:00:00
Baker Boy ft Jess B - Meditjin 0:14:17
Mitch, Please - Rubbish 0:17:14
When our turn comes - Citadel 0:20:59
When our turn comes - Break the rules 0:31:10
Being Jane Lane - Be Okay 0:41:01
Cable ties - Self-Made man 0:43:58
Chakra Efendi - Lady in white 0:47:37
Steve Ludkin - Photo Op Pollies 0:56:57
Flangipanis - In the bin 0:59:23
Use no hooks - Do the job 1:13:29
Class war - Class Consciousness 1:23:02
Glitoris - Slut Power 1:32:42
03 March 2020
International Working Women's Day special
![]() |
Left to right - Justine, Dani, Sally, Hannah, Dani |
We have a special all-women episode this week to celebrate International Working Women's Day this 8th March. As such we have guest co-host Dani from No Apologies on 4zzz. Our first guests (starting at 39m40s) this week are Linda and Kirsten from the United Workers Union, to talk about organising early education/childcare workers. Our second guests (starting at 1h08m20s) are Justine from The Services Union, and Sally and Dani from the Community and Public Sector Union, to talk about women's issues in their organising work.
Come along to IWWD this 8th March.
Songs played
Glitoris - Slut Power 0:00:00
Thelma Plum - Better In Blak 0:09:06
Being Jane Lane - Be Okay 0:12:15
Cable Ties - Self-Made Man 0:15:13
Class War - Class Consciousness 0:20:42
flangipanis - In The Bin 0:27:19
Lexicon - Greatness 0:27:55
The Double Happiness - Spooky Tiki (Theremin Remix)0:34:52
Good Boy - Extended Heavy 0:37:00
The Grates - Science Is Golden 0:46:57
Mitch, Please - Rubbish 0:49:50
Eliza & The Delusionals - Swimming Pool 0:53:32
Leanne Tennant - Everspin 1:04:54
Majestic Horses - Signal 1:19:03
The Slits - Typical Girls 1:34:10
Alex Lahey - Sucker For Punishment 1:43:34
Bluss - Shut Up Becky 1:45:56
26 February 2020
International Working Women's Day and the UCU strike
We are joined this week by Sian from Feminist Action to talk about International Working Women's Day, a day of protest against the patriarchal society that oppresses us as well as a day of celebration of the victories working women have had against it in the past.
We also hear from an old friend, Feargal! He's barely left the plane and has already gotten himself into trouble, with the UCU going on strike at 74 universities across the UK.
Songs played
Warumpi Band - Blackfella/Whitefella
A.B. Original ft Thelma Plum - ICU
Adele and the chandeliers - Love you more
Cable Ties - Self-Made Man
Apparations - Atlas
Good Boy - Extended Heavy
Life without buildings - New Town
Kim Salmon and the Surrealists - Non-Stop Action Groove
Mitch, Please - Rubbish
flangipanis - In the bin
Pixies - Debaser
The Double Happiness - Spooky Tiki (Theremin Remix)
18 February 2020
Climate Crisis National Day of Action
This week we are joined by Alex from Climate Justice Alliance Brisbane to discuss the Climate Crisis National Day of Action event this Saturday. We discuss the idea of climate justice, and creating an alliance for climate justice.
We are also joined by new member of the Workers Power team, Michael! Michael is a journalist for Independent Australia, so we are very excited to bring his experience into the show.
Songs played
Mudhoney - In 'n' out of grace
Archie Roach feat. Sally Dastey - Tell me why
Apparitions - Atlas
Cable Ties - Self-made man
Eliza & The Delusionals - Swimming pool
Good Boy - Extended heavy
Martyr Privates - Carnage in the kool aid
Paul Kelly - Sleep Australia Slepp
Dropkick Murphys - Boys on the docks
The Strokes - Take it or leave it
flangipanis - In the bin
Mitch, Please - Rubbish
11 February 2020
Cultural appropriation
This week we are joined by First Nations worker and activist Delta Kay who chats with us about the appropriation of First Nations culture by businesses such as souvenir shops, why it is a problem, and what we can do about it. Find more of Delta's work at Culture Aware.
Songs played
Faith No More - Epic
Baker Boy ft Jess B - Meditjin
Boomalli ft Hazy - Fuck the system
Archie Roach - Charcoal Lane
Mitch, Please - Rubbish
flangipanis - In the bin
The Double Happiness - Spooky Tiki (Theremin remix)
Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass
Cable Ties - Sandcastles
Chakra Efendi - Ego Death
Pixies - Debaser
04 February 2020
Dockworkers making waves
This week we are joined by Paul Petersen, assistant secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia - Queensland branch, to talk about strike action being taken against Hutchinson Ports, as well as international solidarity among dockworkers organising in the International Dockworkers Council.
Songs played
R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Archie Roach - Tell Me Why
The Saints - Swing for the Crime
Last Quokka - Colony
Gang of Four - Ether
Magic Dirt - He-man
Dicklord - Moll on the dole
Alex the Astronaut - I Think You're Great
Dead Kennedys - Take This Job and Shove It
Iota - Triplespoon
28 January 2020
Grill'd workers bring the heat
This week we have Mitch on the show, who is a delegate at Grill'd Workers United, to talk about the campaign to organise Grill'd workers.
Songs played
Phil Monsour - Solidarity Forever
Baker Boy ft JessB - Meditjin
Warumpi Band - Blackfella/Whitefella
Mitch, Please - Rubbish
Cable Ties - Sandcastles
Dicklord - Moll on the dole
Budd - Kairos
Last Quokka - Colony
Magic Dirt - Daddy
Regurgitator - Fat Cop
TISM - Whatareya
21 January 2020
just news this week
No interview this week so we are just going through some of the latest news. But next Sunday is Invasion day, so try to make it to your local rally.
Songs played
Gil Scott-Herron - The revolution will not be televised
Baker Boy - Marryuna Ft Yirrmal
Baker Boy - Meditjin Ft Jess B
Eddy current Suppression Ring - All in good time
PJ Harvey - Rid of me
Faith no more - Be aggressive
Rage against the machine - Take the power back
Last Quokka - Colony
A country practice - The inundation into our room
Mitch, Please - Rubbish
Flangipanis - In the bin
A.B. Original, Dan Sultan - January 26
14 January 2020
Dodgy bosses at Macca's
We're playing a bit more music this week as we adjust to a lack of Feargal in the studio. In this episode we have a short interview with McDonald's worker, Retail and Fast Food Workers Union member and newest addition to the Workers Power 4ZZZ team, Jason Harradine. We talk about RAFFWU winning penalty rates for Maccas workers, and the response from the dodgy bosses in trying to cut workers hours. If you are a McDonald's worker, you do not have to sign a new agreement. If your boss is telling you that you do, get them to put it in writing, and record the interaction yourself. For more information you can watch this 11 minute video.
Songs played
Billy Bragg - There Is Power in a Union
Thelma Plum - Better in Blak
Kev Carmody - Thou Shalt Not Steal
The Jam - That's Entertainment
Machine Gun Fellatio - Rollercoaster
Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning
Regurgitator - I Sucked a Lot of Cock to Get Where I Am
ROO - Malicious Delicious
flangipanis - The Ballad of Chad and Becky
Doxa - Carrier
Chakra Efendi - Morphine
Phil Monsour - Fires Are Burning
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Blues X Man
07 January 2020
As we say hello to the new year we say goodbye to Feargal, as he is leaving brissie to go study in the UK. Join us for Feargal's last episode as we discuss the bushfires, and the response from unions and others.
To help fight these fires you can donate to the NSW RFS, and to assist with the fire relief for First Nations communities donate here.
Songs played
The Clash - Know Your Rights
Kerrianna Cox - Woman Got No History
Phil Monsour - Still Need a Union
Class War - Class Consciousness
Majestic Horses - Call You Out
Midnight Oil - US Forces
The Saints - Stranded
The Fall - Hit the North
Violent Femmes - Please Do Not Go
04 January 2020
New Year, same system.
As we come into the new year we have a full house of Workers Power contributers in the studio: Feargal, Bill, Hannah, Steven, and Darrel, the Together union delegate at CITEC. In this episode we talk to Darrel about working and organising at CITEC, and what it is like to organise your workplace as a public servant.
We also go over all our scallywags this year and make the grand decision, who will be the scallywag of the year?
Songs played
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name
A.B. Original - January 26
Kev Carmody - Thou Shalt Not Steal
Class War - Class Consciousness
The Stress of Leisure - Shark Killer
Pussy Riot - Hangerz
Bad//Dreems - Mob Rule
Rebel Diaz - Which Side Are You On?
Glomesh - Factory Heart
Thelma Plum - Better in Blak
Interpol - Evil
The Clash - The Call Up
The Coup - The Guillotine
Calle 13 - No Hay Nadie Como TĂș
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