30 June 2020

Just one meal

This week we report on the blockade at Kangaroo point, the fee increase for humanities students, an update from the US uprising, and as always our scallywag of the week.

23 June 2020

Living Incomes For Everyone

This week we talk to Jayden from Anti-Poverty Network about the Living Incomes For Everyone campaign, a cross organisation campaign involving activist organisations, NGOs, and unions, to raise welfare payments to a minimum of $1100.

16 June 2020

Let them hug their kids.

We talk with Kirsty from United Workers Union about how the federal government plans to take the razor to the Child Education Sector. This effects predominately women workers; those that work there and those that rely on them to support their families. As well as affecting the children, when the workers don't have enough to take care of themselves, it makes it difficult to take care of others. It is simply a continuation of the government's contempt for women and children.

We also have interviews with Sam Woripa Watson and Fletch to take you to the frontlines of the struggle to free 120 refugee workers who have been detained indefinitely at a hotel at Kangaroo Point for eight months, this is in addition to the seven years they spent in the dark stains on the history of humanity that are the Manus and Nauru detention centres.

09 June 2020

You can't pay bills with exposure

On today's show Bill and Hannah chat with Carl from Musicians Australia about Musicians organising for fair paid work. They also discuss the Black Lives Matter rally and workers action from ETU, The Services Union, CFMEU, Unions NSW and workers standing up and fighting back around the world. Stick around to the end as Bill doesnt hold back on his rant about our Scallywag of the Week.

03 June 2020

Black Lives Matter

“The murder of George Floyd is a lit match to the fuel that has built up over decades” - Sam Watson of Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance  spoke with Bill about the Black Lives Matter - Stop Black Deaths in Custody rally in King George Square this Saturday June 6th from 1pm, where over 10,000 people have responded to the event on Facebook for the Brisbane rally alone.

To protest safely make sure you bring plenty of hygiene gear such as a face mask and hand sanitiser, and stay 1.5m apart from those around you. If you are sick, stay home and support where you can online.

In our second half we spoke about retail and fast food workers around the world standing up and fighting back with action from; Retail and Fast Food Workers Union, Fight for $15 and Unite Union.