25 August 2020

The crime of poverty

This week we talk to Jeremy Poxon from the Australian Unemployed Workers Union, to talk about the punishment workers face when they do not have a job, and how the union fights against that. We also talked about the MOStrike, you can find more information about that here.

19 August 2020

Aged care: wage theft and maseratis

This week we talk to Lauren from the Health Services Union about organising in the aged care sector and a recent win which saw 9500 workers get their backpay, to support the HSU campaign for decent aged care you can go to their website. We also talked about the AUWU MOStrike, you can find more information about that here.

11 August 2020


This week we bring you news about blockades, we've got blockades in Uluru, Kangaroo point, Bolivia, and more. We've also got an update from last week's scallywag, and plenty more workers action.
This week 4ZZZ has put on Radiothon, our annual subscriber drive, so if you subscribe now, not only do you get that warm inner glow of supporting community radio (as well as discounts at our sub discount outlets), you can also go in the run to win some awesome prizes. Click here to learn more.

04 August 2020

Health and Safety Reps

This week we don't have a guest but Bill teaches us about Health and Safety Representatives, which is a topic that will be useful for all workers.