23 September 2021

Education going down the gilded toilet

This week we talked to Kate from the NTEU and NTEU Fightback about their campaign for better work conditions at QUT. This includes fighting against increased casualisation of employment, for better job security, and against the unpaid use of recordings of fired staff.

19 September 2021

Sex Worker Pride

This week we talk to Lulu and Niki from DecrimQLD about the work they do to decriminalise sex work and allow workers to use basic safety practices. It was also Sex Worker Pride Day on Tuesday so we talked about the destigmatisation of sex work and sex workers having pride in their work and the rights they have won. Earlier in the show we also listen to a recording from the CFMEU rally last week against the mismanagement of the Cross River Rail project.

12 September 2021

Getting Equal - The first successful fight for equal wages for First Nations people in Australia

This week we chat with Elisabeth and Tegan from the North Stradbroke Island Museum about the 'Outside Gang' of the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum and their fight for equal wages. In 1944, after a 25 year campaign, First Nations workers at the asylum gained equal wages, almost 20 years before anywhere else in Australia. Later in the show we are joined by Jeff from the Brisbane Labour History Association who brings us up to date on their activities.