This week we talk to Neil Frost from the Brisbane Labour History Association about the Red North, that rebellious period of North Queensland history which began in the 1920s and culminated in the election of Communist Fred Paterson to the Queensland Parliament as the Member for Bowen. In those years the North was known as a centre of radicalism, with militant strikes, campaigns against fascism, movements of the unemployed and the growth of the Communist Party.
- Links to what we talked about
- Protestors demand child prison Don Dale be shut down
- QTU statement against the proposal to extend school for a week
- UWU statment in support of arrested NagaWorld strikers in Cambodia
- Joint statement calling for release of NagaWorld strikers
- APN meeting - 17th January
- Free the refugees protest - 19th January
- Counterprotest to anti-vaxxers - 22nd January